A seasonal series of window and in-store displays for Adam's Childrenswear, produced in four colour silkscreen

Working with Playdoh was one of the most enjoyable 'jobs' ever. Being paid to be a child again. It was almost possible to feel guilty. The final results were certainly 'aspirational' compared to a 4 year old's efforts!

It was equally enjoyable to work on 'Robotics' and Gi Joe and many other Hasbro toy ranges, creating jungles and planet landscapes.
Other ventures include; TUBBY TIN a series of childrens' books, designing and manufacturing hat boxes, and exhibition displays and models for THERMAFLEECE.
Recently I was asked if I would like to carve a set of marrionetts. Sounded fun, so I said "yes". Perhaps you can now see why I so dread that "What do you do?" question.

Puppets sculpted in wood and resin for the

A miniature jungle, tree house and model cinema for Smirnoff Vodka.
Exhibition stand and model sheep for Thermafleece
The plug socket is actual size, the rest is built to match
Model making and set building for JCB - Nothing is what it seems!

Design and manufacture of hat boxes and decorative containers for world wide distribution
And now the age of the computer has provided even more diversions on that creative route, with film, photography and retouching.
Combining these with travel, is now my main focus, and teaming up with ANCIENT WORLD TOURS has created a perfect combination of exploration, photography, design and advertising.